An Intentional New Year
Well, here we are - that awkward time between Christmas and the New Year. Whether you are still recovering from a full belly or spending some quiet time after holiday chaos - we hope that you have been able to enjoy some good company.
These next few days present us with the opportunity to prepare and get ready for the new year. Oftentimes, people reflect and set New Year’s resolutions to change their lives for the better. However, as we all know, these resolutions often end up being broken months, weeks or sometimes days after we set them. But what would it look like to actually be intentional about what we want in the year(s) to come?
Here at IGC we are all believers in…drum roll please…VISION BOARDS! And if you continue reading you will find out why.
So what is a vision board?
A vision board is a curated collection of images, quotes and memorabilia that reflect the things you want to manifest in your life. It is a visual tool that is intended to help you stay focused and push you in the direction of your dreams for the future. Your vision board should be something that you look at and feel happy, excited and inspired!
So how do you actually make a vision board?
It’s simple really, grab your materials and get started!
Bristol board (or large paper)
Craft materials (magazines, books, photos)
Hot tip* Check out your local used book store and pick up a few cheap items that help you feel inspired!
Once you have your materials, you are ready to get started! Flip through the pages and cut out the things that call to you. Once you feel happy with your haul, assemble it on your paper and paste it down. There is no right or wrong way to make or organize a vision board. So dream big and get creative with it!
Vision Board Prompts
Sometimes this process can feel overwhelming. It can be helpful to have a few prompts as you move through this exercise.
What or who inspires you?
What are you most proud of?
What does your ideal day look like?
Reflect on some of the areas in your life…(health, career, finances, travel, family, lifestyle, hobbies, knowledge, love) Which areas are you happy with? Which areas can you improve?
When you close your eyes and think of your future - what do you visualize?
Once you have completed your vision board, it is important to hang it somewhere that you can admire every single day. Doing this will help motivate you to bring these aspirations to life! If looking at it daily doesn’t help, tune in next week (next year!!) to learn more about proper goal setting. We are going to help you bring that vision board to life! Until then - we can’t wait to see what you create!
Written by Chanel Attema