Redefining Success

Over the last number of weeks, we have been writing about goal setting, vision boards and using the new year to set yourself up for success. Last week, we wrote about the importance of setting tiny habits and in the words of BJ Fogg - the small things are the things that lead to the big things. (link to article) Keeping this same momentum going, today’s blog is about redefining success

We were in a client meeting last week discussing some aspects for an upcoming activation. It’s been tricky for most to navigate the back and forth with pandemic regulations and restrictions. When one of the members in the meeting said, “maybe it's at this time we take a step back and redefine what success looks like” we knew we needed to bring this to light at goodco.newsstand. 

People from every walk of life have been suffering from extremely challenging situations throughout the last couple of years. From loss of activities, not seeing friends and family, workplace burnout, debilitating mental health issues and the fear of unknown, it has been tough to adjust to the rollercoaster of our current climate. It is because of our intersectional issues that we must take a step back and redefine what our success looks like. 

  1. Give yourself a moment to reflect on your life and all of your accomplishments 

Write them all down! Seriously – grab a piece of paper and start writing. Did you come third place in track and field in elementary school? Did you win a spelling bee? Did you finish reading a book series? Did you cook a delicious meal? Success these days could look a little different and for you top achievers out there, you might be struggling with the things you can or can't do right now. We've been in conversation with people where success is actually just getting out of bed in the morning. And guess what - that's okay!  

2. Remember: Your success looks different than someone else’s success  

As we narrow down our goals, our dreams and our vision boards, it is of crucial importance to not compare to others. Our success looks different than our sibling's, our friend's, or what our parents want. If our goal is to buy a house, someone else’s might be to travel. Another person may want to learn a new language, or learn how to cook or honestly just get out of their PJ’s today. While it is hard not to compare to others – keep an eye on your lane and try not to worry about what Jared across the street is up to. Instead, worry about what brings YOU joy. What makes YOU feel accomplished? What makes YOU feel proud? However you want to define success in your life is valid.  

Keeping that at top of mind, don’t be afraid to redefine your success. We are living through a very unsettling time in history right now. Most of us are just trying to do our best and that is OKAY. 

Written by Chanel Attema


Why Liking the People you work With is a recipe for Success


Tiny Habits with Bj Fogg